The Mannabay Foundation offers a comprehensive farming guide to enhance productivity and sustainability:

1. Record Keeping: Maintain accurate farming records for effective management.

2. Budgeting: Plan and allocate resources efficiently for farming activities.

3. Crop Selection: Choose crops based on climatic conditions and soil suitability.

4. Land Preparation: Implement proper soil preparation techniques for better yields.

5. Seed Selection: Opt for high-quality seeds to ensure optimal crop growth.

6. Farming Methods: Adopt modern techniques for crop care and growth.

7. Fertilization: Apply fertilizers appropriately for healthy crops.

8. Harvesting and Storage: Ensure proper harvesting techniques and good storage practices.

9. Water Storage: Develop systems to store water for irrigation during dry spells.

10.Surplus Production: Encourage surplus production to generate income.

Manna Bay Foundation is a registered independent, non-governmental, and non-profit community-based organization


Nairobi, Kenya

© Copyright 2024 by Mannabay Foundation